Friday, May 13, 2005

Sexy buns

listening to parking lot pimp's 'Blow'... (it's on repeat mode on my computer now)

Formerly known as Urban Xchange, the local band has changed a couple of members and came up with a new name. Read in a previous interview somewhere as to why the name PLP, but can't recall at the moment. Check the song out. It's good. Singapore's english music scene has hope afterall.


I've got a splitting headache right now. Serves me right for getting myself intoxicated on a worknight. Slept for about an hour half before going to the office.

Power's Sexiest Buns finals at NRB yesterday. It was a hoot!
The gals were hot and boy, could they shake their bon bons! A pity the guys' butts weren't grab-worthy. One contestant even did the chippendale act and flexed his twitching pecs. I was laughing my head off coz I thought he looked a little too meaty (read: flabby). More like breast than pec. Hahahaha...
BTW, gals can do wolf-whistles as well as the guys, if not better.

TY and I moved to CU after the rest had dispersed.
A gal asked if we were Taiwanese, and it sparked off an extremely brilliant idea. We decided to be taiwanese for a night.
So off we went to SSC, with our fake accent in tow. Even tried ordering drinks in Mandarin, which was stupid because the bartender didn't know what they were.
FYI, vodka is 'fu wo te' and tequila is 'long she lan'.

Upon knowing we're 'taiwanese', people started speaking odd.
In retrospect, Singaporean men can't really speak fluent Mandarin. It was hilarious hearing them curl their tongues and put forth their best pronunciations.
Still, I respect them for making the effort.

Shall try out another accent next time. Anyone with foreign friends, could I get some pointers from them please?


Anonymous said...

My Filipino accent is quite good. I order my maid around in my Filipino accent and she confided in me that it made her feel closer to her homeland in Kuching.

However her husband disliked me talking like a Filipino, he says it' an insult to their rich cultural heritage.

I bought him beer and we are on ok terms now.

Anonymous said...

Since coming back from Sydney after a two-year course in Mass Communications, my accent hasn't been the same. I can't stop curling my r's and finishing my sentences with a rising tone.

I also find myself looking at Ang Moh men a bit more than usual.

I lost all my friends from SCGS. I might migrate soon.

kay said...

To anonymous with good Filipino accent: try speaking Tagalog to the hubby. can save $ on the beer.

To anonymous with no SCGS friends left: it's ok to curl your Rs. just don't add in too many 'hey mates'.

Anonymous said...

Well actually I still have a SCGS friend Jordan who cared about me, she has short hair and always try to make herself sound manly. She also like to diao people on the NEL line and was beaten up a few times.

Anyways, I have been with a few ang mohs since I came back but I realised that they are MCPs and like to slap me a lot. I miss Jordan.