listening to rob thomas' 'Lonely No More'...
What's a nice gal like me doing in the office at 9pm on a Saturday?
Work. Sigh... I think my resentment is evident in my tone.
At least my exams are over!!! Yippee!!!
Had my last paper yesterday, and though it wasn't a breeze, I'd managed to finish it real fast. Was squirming uncomfortably in my seat for I badly wanted to get out of the exam hall. I didn't want to catch the teacher's attention by being the first to hand in the scripts. However, the rest of the class shared the same sentiments. Eventually I caved in to the desire to flee, and became the first to submit the paper. Strange observation, coz immediately after I handed in mine, a few others also completed theirs. You wusses...
Went to Stuff mag party with HJ and got drinks spilt on my back by some silly kids. Luckily for them I was in a relatively good mood, or else I'll make them spit blood. *Violent shake of fist*
The rest of the gals, including Bei came by, and we went to Phuture to check out the music. Soon after, TY's friends came as well. Lawrence also dropped by to say hi. It was a night of many friends.
The company was good, but my mood was foul.
How do you party with a scowl? (ps: it rhymes!)
As the night went by, I got more and more pissed. The more I drank, the angrier I got. Which was weird coz usually I'm a happy drinker. In the end, I had to go home before I morph into Darth Vader's evil cousin or Voldermort the Second. Maybe exams are not too bad. At least they take my mind off things. Grr...
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