Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Sore point (pun intended)

listening to candy lo's 'Zhi Shao Zou De Bi Ni Zao'...

People tell me the cantonese version 'Hao Xing Fen Shou' is much better. She sounds less whiny, less nasal. I like the duet with Lee Hom coz there's Lee Hom.
Incidentally, this is my theme song for the day. Have decided to say ciao first. I also know the infamous Houdini's disappearing act. Good riddance to bad rubbish. You go, gal! There's more to life than silly men.

And now, for the latest update on my piercing:
WAH-KAU! It's red and sore! Grr... No pus yet, but according to the guy who did it for me, the infection usually sets in a week or two after the deed is done. Which is like, now. *grimace*

Everyone who heard about my birthday gift to myself, asked if it hurt. Well, not exactly. To reiterate, it just felt like a slightly more painful acupuncture session, followed by a bruising knock to the tummy, which lasted for a good few minutes. Been going around showing it to friends and colleagues. For once in my life, I was decisive about getting something done. Loony bin, eh?

The past week had been bustling with activities.
Winebar with the HC crowd, KTVthon, National Drama Competition... Will fill in the details slightly later. Meanwhile, must go apply antiseptic cream.

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