Monday, August 01, 2005

The Party sans The Person

listening to some crap JF's playing on his computer (senseless stuff haha)...

Ever since Ms Chong announced that she'd be returning end July for summer vacation, we had been discussing about the welcome back party for her. Last we heard, she's bound for home wee early morning of Friday. A party in the night would be timely.

Date: 29 July 2005, 9pm till late
Venue: Bei and Alex's place
Food: from Spizza's pizza to Patissier's cakes, whatever Ms Chong's heart desires
Booze: Wine, beer, vodka, whisky, choya etc
Guest list: The usual

Everything was taken care of, except one tiny problem which sprung up: Ms Chong's flight got delayed, and she was stranded in Detroit for another day. Which meant she would only be back Saturday instead of Friday!!! Ugh. Stupid Murphy's Law! How do you have a party for someone, when the person couldn't make it?

Ms Chong, though we adore you, we love the idea of a party more. So we carried on with our gathering, but promised to receive her at the airport when the plane touched down.

At about 1ish, after the food was devoured, and the drinks imbibed, we suddenly realised to our horror, her plane had already landed half an hour ago! Shit. Eventually we drove over to her place in order to rectify our giant booboo.

FYI, whisky green tea with choya is currently my favourite drink.

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