Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Tuesday Perk-me-up

listening to garrick and jf's discussion about men's fashion...

Late morning shower wiped out most of the food in the canteen as people couldn't bear walking out for lunch in the rain. Not me, for I love strolling in the rain, with or without a brollie in hand. Hate the flu that comes after though.

Ran up the stairs after lunch in Canteen A with YY and JF. Pleasant lunch, followed by a short burst of adrenaline rush. Woo... Nice!
I thought Tuesday wouldn't get any better, until I saw the pressie my Secret Fren's left for me. Chips and chocolate and an extremely sweet voucher!!! Thank you Secret Fren!!!

Just had to take a picture of them. See the Powerpuff Doll grinning from ear to ear? She is a replica of the-now-Kay.

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