Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Forgive but not forget

listening to justin timberlake's 'What Goes Around'...
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around

We attended an event on Friday afternoon. Lots of people from the media industry were present too. We bumped into some whom we'd met from previous encounters. Funnily though, they only managed to give us sheepish grins before disappearing.
For a moment, I thought we'd stepped on dog poo. Then I realised they were afraid to be associated with us coz the bigger stations' reps were around.

Call me petty or vindictive, I don't care.
One day when we make it, I'll tell our detractors: Sod off! Up yours!!!


shine said...

Hey totally agree with u babe! who cares abt fake pple.....anw your show is great and u know it so the rest can go hang themselves :-)

Anonymous said...

that is totally disgusting.

-someone who works in a so-called bigger stn. bleah.

kay said...

shine: thanks sweetie!

anonymous: your disgust isn't directed at me, I hope. Anyway the most amusing thing was that the station reps themselves were pretty friendly and cordial...

Anonymous said...

kay, haiyoh no! disgusted by THEM,not you!

i would be friendly and cordial too if we meet. ok. wait till that newsperson-turned-PR consultant intros us. Hee...

kay said...

anonymous: hoho... if you're who i think you are, am looking forward to being properly introduced to you. PR consultant says you're nice.

Anonymous said...

*blushes wen jing-ly in a corner.