Friday, April 27, 2007

Love is...

listening to david tao's 'Ai Hen Jian Dan'...
忘了是怎麼開始 也許就是對你 有一種感覺
忽然間發現自己 已深深愛上你 真的很簡單
Bro gave us a tour of his room via webcam.
His new dumbbell, his model of the human anatomy, his carton of instant noodles and the huge-ass bottle of dark vinegar to go with it.

"There's something else,"said Duckie.

We sat silently in anticipation.
Then a thunderous FART resounded through the room, across the ocean, from Australia to Singapore.

"Bet you all missed this!" he guffawed so hard he fell off the chair.


Dad and Mom wrinkled their noses. They had a mixed expression of adoration and disgust on their faces. Sista and I tried to belch in retaliation but it was difficult to laugh and burp at the same time.

Family love is unconditional, albeit smelly at times.


Anonymous said...

Friends come and go, Family is for life and true.

Sunnytears said...

Muahahahaha, so funny! Ur family's one cutie group eh, with ur bro specializing in earth-shaking farts while u & sis champion the world of ground-breaking belches?! With such wonderful social manners, I bet ur parents can't be more pleased. =)

kay said...

Some friends come and go. Some friends you keep for life.

Btw, wait wait. I have to clarify: I DO NOT HAVE SUCH AWFUL HABITS. Let's pin everything on my brother.

Anonymous said...

Well, true friends are like brothers & sisters to us.

They are put under the "Family" category. ^_^

Some friends come and go. Some friends you keep for life.

kay said...

I'm always thankful for my friends and family. Crap in life is bearable becoz of them.