Sunday, April 08, 2007

Who lived my life over the weekend?

listening to Korean drama Wedding OST's 'Don't leave me'...
Bummed coz I missed the last episode of this show. The pathetic alternative is to play the tracks on itunes repeatedly. I know it's a happy ending, but I just want to detach myself from reality for two hours. Pretend everything's okay.

The long weekend has been a flurry of happenings. Fuzzy and surreal. It feels like I'm an observant, watching my past few days of activities from the sidewalk. Life is thrust in fast forward mode and I can't catch up.
Dinner. Balaclava. Winebar. Zouk. Phuture. Velvet. 1 hr of sleep. Work. 16 hrs of sleep. Outdoor show. Dinner. Fred's house. YL's house. Supper. St James.

Before I get reprimanded for trading sleep to party, I must add a disclaimer: I only went coz there were friends in town and they wanted to check the clubs out. I gave MOS a miss and chose the 16 hours of marathon nap instead.

I don't think the melancholy is due to lack of sleep.
Maybe I'm just haunted by the fact that tomorrow's Monday again. HATE.


shine said...

Hey gal, its one of those days rite? i know...hang in there! at least it was a good fulfilling weekend!

Jason said...





kay said...

shine: hope u're faring better than I am. :(

jason: there's no dongli883 anymore... the new station's website is

Jason said...

Hello Kay,

Thank you for your reply & I appreciate it. :)

Have a nice day!


Jason said...
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