I've got this ice box where my heart used to be (but I got this)
PCHC is almost coming to an end.
In less than a week, Char's going back to the Big Apple.
We're not quite sure of her next return coz she's planning to work in NY upon graduation. The rest of her family will be probably be posted to the Middle East for work. Globalisation is separating friends instead of making us nearer.
'Try to synchronise all your weddings yeah?' she teased, 'Then I can just fly in to attend everything at one shot.'
Two weeks zoomed by. At least we managed to carry out a few major activities:
1) Crazy Food Festival at Chomp chomp, where we over-ordered and overate.
Thank god for the skinny boys who cleaned up everything!
2) Chill out at Cafe Del Mar, and
3) Games' night at Fred's place
I missed both coz I was on my impulse getaway.
4) Clubbing at St James, where we played stupid Q&As.
One point up for Power House coz they gave us memberships. Yeah!
But a demerit point too, since we didn't manage to catch the legendary Scorpion King at Dragonfly. Boo!
BTW, if I ever set up a club, I'm gonna call it 'Cockroach'.
5) Watched a play under the stars.
Saturday was pure madness coz I was running around for the entire day. Rushed down to Fort Canning Park to catch 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' with the group.
Remember who said what?
"The course of true love never did run smooth."
"Cupid is a knavish lad, thus to make poor females mad."
"I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove."
AMND is my favourite Shakespeare's work coz we did this for our lit exam and I scored an A1... *smug face*
hey babe! love your impulse thingy! not sure where u went tho... =)
hmm, i only rem the 2nd quote is from puck and 3rd from bottom...the 1st one???? hermia? lysander? =p Lord, what fools these mortals be....
wah...bingo! it was Lysander who said the first line. ;D
omg! i was there on saturday nite too!!
u were there at fort canning too?!! where were you sitting?
halfway up the slope, stage left. ;)
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