Wednesday, April 01, 2009


listening to kay tse's 'Xi Tie Jie'...
How apt that while I'm currently obsessed with this song, I hear another piece of news about an upcoming wedding.
忘記砌過的沙 回憶的堡壘 剎那已倒下
面對這浮起的荒土 你注定學會瀟灑
階磚不會拒絕磨蝕 窗花不可幽禁落霞
有感情就會一生一世嗎 又再婉惜有用嗎
William Soh vs Kay Tse.
Which version do you like better?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

William so's better....
i don't like Kay's "qiang" ( i hope my pinyin's still correct haha)

but that song was sooooo hit in HK last year....sooooo hit!! u interviewing any singer these days?