listening to fang datong's 'Hong Dou'...
It's a great rendition of Faye Wong's song!
I ♥ Khalil!
Something fun for a slow Tuesday.
This is a mathematical challenge, and it's been said that:
If you're an engineer (or history major) , you should be able to solve
it in three minutes, if you're an architect, in three hours; if you're
a doctor, in six hours; if you're an accountant, in three months and
if you're a lawyer, probably never... (ps: I'm not insulting you lawyer friends. I'm just copying and pasting the email)
1, 2, 6, 42, 1806, ____???
What is the missing number in this logical series?
hey!so wads e ans???
3,263,442 (in less than a minute...)
cookie: 3263442
e: yay! clever gal!!! :D
i guess.. im probably a lawyer nxt time.hah!
Hahaha!!! Maybe... except the lawyer (~e~) said she solved it in less than a minute!
logic: multiply the number with (itself+1)
thus, 1, 2, 6, 42, 1806, (1806x1807)=3263442
ps: e, maybe you're a mathematician at heart?
e is a lawyer?!
i suck at dis kind of num pattern
last time in pri sch maths
i always skip dis kind of que.
waste so much of my time ><
I did it in a slightly different manner, but it works out the same
1x1+1 = 2
2X2+2 = 6
6X6+6 = 42
42X42+42 = 1806
1806X1806+1806= 3263442
This proves I'm not a doctor, cos I got it in under a minute! =D
browncow: HAHHAHAHAAAAAAA! usually people who are, will say they're not.
The smart will say they're stupid. The gorgeous will say they're ugly.
browncow says he/she's not a doctor, I really think he/she is.
Why an accountant will solve it in 3 months?
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