Guardians of zee secrets

listening to ricky martin's 'private emotions'... (sister just commented that he's the Fat One. wasn't he a sex god to some people before?)
Seems like the July trip will be materializing after all.
Great! Looking forward to raiding the bookstores for more cool-ass diaries.
Haven't found anything to my liking in Borders, Kino, and lots of other stores. The one I bought out of desperation just wasn't right. That's why I'm blogging so frequently. I've used up the very last bit of my fav little black journal :( Towards the end of the book, I was already writing in tiny ant-size fonts to maximise its use.
listening to air supply's 'goodbye'... (how apt!)
Cin is a darling. She called me yesterday to tell me she saw the Boy. Funny how my colleague knows about him, rather than my closest friends (except for about two of them). Opened the whole floodgate of emotions again. However it wasn't too bad, for I didn't feel that upset anymore.
I guess the main reason for not being able to get over was because he seemed so right.
Finally a person whose attention I didn't mind.
I'm no ravishing beauty and can be dysfunctional at times, but I still get my share of unwanted attention. To be frank, I think they must be weird to be interested in me, though I'll give you contrasting answers on normal days when my ego's more inflated. Actually I thought he was kinda 'ermmmm' initially as well.
Well, maybe I read all the signs wrongly. Maybe he was just nice to everyone in the world. Maybe our going out together was just like the usual 'yo-dude' sessions with Lock and the rest. His messages probably meant nothing. It could be my fault too. I'm a prickly person, incapable of showing what I actually feel. My brain and mouth are separate entities.
Anyway, thought to myself in class today: k, it's time to move on...
Uncannily enough, the last few sentences which managed to fit into the little corner of the page of the book, was about cutting out the Boy who mattered from my life.
It's a sign.
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