Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fat attack

listening to garbage's 'Why Do You Love Me'...

Apt rhetorical question.
Why do you love me, Dad and Mom? Sister and Brother? Family and Friends?
Sometimes I find myself unworthy of your unconditional concern and devotion.
I'm not the smartest person in the world. Neither am I the sweetest-natured nor the most fun person to be with. Not the prettiest nor the most humorous.
So why do you love me, when at times even I hate myself?


30 hours of consciousness
Thursday, 23 June 2005, 6am - Friday, 24 June 2005, 1pm.

The most grueling period was between four am to noon.
I could hardly peel my eyes open, yet I had to sing till seven, then drive off to the office for my on-air shift. Nearly drove into the road divider. Fortunately, freshmen orientation programs in uni days had trained me well.
JF was really nice to buy me breakfast and coffee. Caffeine, how I adore thee!

Discovered that a serious lack of sleep doesn't make me cranky. In fact I actually become quite giggly. Therefore, I've decided that the next time I'm deprived of sleep, I shall worsen it to make it better. Huh??? *oxymoron situation*
At the end of it, I turned kooky. Started babbling incoherently before my head hit the pillows at 1pm.

20 apple shooters and multiple lychee martinis (and some other stuff)
Same night, 24 June, 11pm

After lying in bed for long enough, I mustered enough energy to gather the HC peeps at our usual watering hole.

It was a fun fun night! Especially when Dr WY Yap finally got his long-due retribution! He'd always taken it to be his prerogative to laugh at us gals if we put on weight. So when HY exclaimed Dr Yap looked kinda 'fleshier', the ribbing began furiously. REVENGE IS SWEET.

Us all: Why aren't you taking the lychee martini?

WY: Remember? I've put on weight. Lychee martini's got loads of calories.

Us all: It's ok, since you're already fat. *snigger*

WY: Oh.

Us all: It's ok, we love you all the same...

WY: Thanks.

Us all: (continued in same breath) though you've become chubbier.

WY: Oh.

Us all: But still handsome.

WY: Thanks.

Us all: Though fatter. Would you prefer to be skinny and ugly or handsome and...

WY: (on verge of explosion) Fat? Chubby? Plump?

Then Lawrence pranced over in his lithe skinny body, and joined us for drinks. We were all doing birthday toasts to me, of course, and random cheers, save for WY.

Lawrence: Hey man, why aren't you drinking?

Us all: Coz he put on weight.

WY: Yeah. Excessive alcohol makes one fat.

Lawrence: Can't be true. I drink a lot but I'm still so skinny.

That was probably the straw that broke the camel's back.
WY ran away into Zouk for hiding and refused to take any of our calls. I decided to it was a cause for celebration, and indulged in many yummy martinis and delicious apple shooters which my friends bought me. We even had bak kut teh after that.
I'd better exercise more, or else Dr Yap will start his round of attack.

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