Sunday, July 03, 2005

Good Celebration, Bad Experience

listening to the humming of my hard disk... (lazy to switch on player)

It's been more than a week since my birthday, but still had ongoing revelry. As a friend commented, "What a long birthday!". Did I mention my lunar one is coming soon?
Went for dinner with the gang at Wisma on Friday.
To prevent getting sued, no names will be mentioned.
Subtle clues include: Vietnamese food and Al fresco.

For a start, we got a newbie waitress to serve. She couldn't pour properly, and splashed water all around. I was slightly confused by her actions. Wasn't this a Viet food place rather than a Thai one? If so, then why was she celebrating Thailand's Songkran Water Festival?
Checked the menu, which stated 'Vietnamese Salad/ Noodle/ Stuff' to reaffirm my suspicions that she was simply incompetent.

Anyway, Newbie gave an answer that would have given the management heart seizure when I asked her for a salad recommendation. Though I appreciated the honesty, sometimes it might not be the best policy. It just makes the patrons nervous.

"I dunno. Haven't tried the salads. Dunno what's good."

Ok, I'd just stick to beef noodle.
Service was S-L-O-W. We had exhausted all the conversation topics, but there was no sign of food even after more than 30 minutes. A hungry man is an angry man, while a group of hungry women (plus one husband), is just plain scary. Still, we kept our cool and asked Newbie to hurry on with our order.
Our favourite amusement for the night was to try and guess the relationships between the group of people at the opposite table. Very complicated and confusing. That would require a separate post on its own.

~~~Millions of nanoseconds zoomed past~~~

The calamity didn't end upon the arrival of our food. In fact, it escalated.

1. PH's noodle had nice huge pieces of duck... and thick long stubbles of badly plucked feathers. Their ingenious reply when we complained about the off-putting sight:
'We are short of ducks tonight. Chefs couldn't finish plucking.'
*1 boo*

2. XL and XW couldn't swallow their vermicelli coz it was too dry. There was no sauce given, unlike the last time she ate. After much consideration, XL decided to ask for dressing before she choked to death. Split second after she asked Waiter A, Waiter B came by with two bowls. They forgot to serve the dressing earlier on.
*2 boo*

3. Getty freaked out when he found a piece of broken tile in his pork chop rice.
Getty: My god! There's a piece of porcelain here!

Kay: (inspects damned item) It's not porcelain. It's ceramic tile.

Getty: Ok. Waiter! I've got ceramic tile in my food! Where's your manager?!

Senior Waiter: What's wrong?

Getty: Frigging tile in my rice! I want to see your manager!

Senior Waiter: (suddenly Getty's voice was inaudible) Sir, let me take your plate and change a new one for you.

Getty: (fired up) Are you trying to destroy the evidence? Let me talk to your manager!!!

Senior Waiter: (totally ignoring Getty, took his dish and turned to another waiter) Change this.

Not wanting to create too huge a hullabaloo, Getty gave in unwillingly. The new portion was piping hot, and came with a beautifully fried sunnyside-up! It definitely wasn't there in the earlier serving.
I congratulated Getty on his good fortune. Fighting for one's rights did pay off. We were both shaking hands triumphantly, when his wife commented that his food was supposed to come with the egg.
Apparently they forgot his egg just now. Aww......
*3 boo*

4. BM joined us after dinner for the cake cutting and ordered an Earl Grey from Newbie.
BM: An Earl Grey please.
Newbie: Ok. I repeat your order. One Pearl Grey.
This bubble-tea sounding Earl Grey took forever to arrive too. They only began planting the tea shrubs after we ordered.
*4 boo*

Guess what's the only thing that came within 2 minutes? Bingo! The bill.


~e~ said...


I missed all the fun...

Happy Happy Birthday again, wish I was there...

kay said...

wish you were there too! then you can help us sue them! :D

~e~ said...

not sure if you're talking about the place i think it is... is it the one that has a fish tank?...

went there once for the opening night cos colleague's fren was working for the group that owns it. saw "mermen and mermaids" in the tank. yikes. not v cute some more... *shudder*