Thursday, June 23, 2005

Happy birthday to me!

listening to garbage's 'Stupid Girl'...

I'd been most upset if I didn't get to post anything on my birthday itself.
Must get a few words in before I run off to sing my lungs out in the name of charity.
230am to 730am...
Whoever's gonna hear me sing, except for some wandering ghosts which forgot to return to Hades during the lunar seventh month?
Dammit! I am effectively a year older, but none the wiser.

listening to chingy's 'Balla Baby'...
I really do like rap, midwest raps quite a lot.

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...
Most upsetting news on the eve of my birthday, 22 June.
Felt as though I was gutted with the bluntest blade, to prolong the excruciating pain.
Pardon me while I curse. It's my birthday so I do get away with it yeah?

You nincompoop/ turd/ worthless piece of doodoo!"

Ok, thank you. I do feel ok now.

Had already cheered up after cutting my first cake with Karen, Bei and Peimin last night.
It just got better and better.
Sista bought my favourite chocolate cake from Conrad, and I did another round of cake-cutting this morning with the family. Lots of sweet friends and relatives sent msgs and mails. And presents. Yeah! Like the Firehouse CD from my colleague buddy who plays tennis on his own. More celebrations coming up. I'm so touched :)

Then the Boy who used to Matter called too. Wah. I was dumbfounded. Except he's been reduced to Boy Who Is Now Waste Matter 1. Why BWINWM 1? Becoz there's a number two, except number 2 didn't matter too much anyway. Hahahaha.

Anyway, I went ahead and gave myself a navel piercing today! Will take pic and post it up soon. :) Planning to get a Tag for myself too, when Dad goes to buy Mom a matchstick watch for her birthday pressie. Maybe I can cajole them into getting the Tag for me. Hyak hyak hyak...


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow!! naval piercing.. pain or not?? ^ ^ me dont dare leh... hehe

Enjoy yourself and stay young, funny and happy!!

~justin~ said...

hey hey! happy belated birthday!! and they told me u hogged the mic and sang ur hearts out thru the wee hours...hoho =)

kay said...

thank you for the bday wishes! twas a good birthday afterall.

surumi: it's not too bad, just like an extremely intense pinch (that went on for a few minutes), coupled by a hard punch.

justin: i so DID NOT hog the mike. was singing during my shift, together with 3 others. please lor! there's no one to fight with at 4am in the morn... hahaha