It's going to be a long day. Gotta attend some NDP rehearsal at Jurong Camp later. Not exactly my favourite place in the world coz it's so frigging far! The past few times I was there, my legs went numb from driving. Sigh... Let's just hope everything finishes on time. *roll eyes in disbelief*
listening to selena's 'I Could Fall In Love'...
Two days. That's how long it's been. Realised I'm so used to the daily flurry of sms exchanges that two days seems like an agonising eternity. Sod off, Kay!
listening the red hot chilli peppers' 'Can't Stop'...
Outdoor event on Saturday. Pouring rain dampened the mood and crowd turnout was affected. Getting to know a couple of the gals better was the only saving grace. Hihi to Andrea, Pamela and the others. Singapore is such a tiny place that it frightens me. Everyone is linked to somebody else somehow. The social circles just intertwine and loop to form a huge big hole. Cool. But scary. Friendster is one of those other unnerving things.
Zouk is closing for renovation! Just around the time MoS is opening in Singapore. Hmm, I wonder why. According to the papers, nope, they're not shutting down to prepare for the War of the Clubs. It's the usual refurbishing that's carried out every few years. Or so they say. Then again, I've got faith in good ole Zouk.
After Saturday's outdoor, returned home for a shower and nap. Woke up recharged and went for a run, before taking off to Zouk at midnight. As usual, Zouk is such a good meeting ground, no wonder Young PAP had a session there some time back. *shudder* Bumped into colleagues, friends and their colleagues. Besides seeing people I know, there were some strange encounters.
a) Bouncer performed magic.
He took my ID and asked me to verify my birthdate. Being the cooperative patron, I obliged. Stretched to take it back, but somehow it'd vanished. Was surprised, not by the disappearance of my license, but more by the bouncer's behaviour. Pretty amusing, especially when I caught a glimpse of it in his pocket while he was trying to make the ID 'reappear'.
"Aiya, so ma-lu," he guffawed before letting me in.
b) Strange man commented on my shoes.
On the way out from winebar, this Strange Fella wearing a suit suddenly spoke to me in Cantonese accented Mandarin.
SF: 为什么你穿粉红色? (Why do you wear pink)
Kay: Huh?
SF: (repeats)
Kay: 神经病. 那为什么你穿灰色? (Then why do you wear grey? You crazy loony bin)
SF: (laughs aloud) Welcome to my club! Enjoy yourself!
He didn't look drunk, so I assumed he was plainly mad.
c) Cute young Japanese
The cutest Jap boy tried to pick me up in Zouk. I'm usually impatient with people who try to make conversation in clubs. So far, the one that took the cake, was the person who tried singing in my ear. Anyway, I was foaming at the mouth when Jap Boy told me he was 22. Even flashed me his ID. 1983. Goodness.
Jap Boy: (in halting English) You about same age, no?
Kay: No. I'm older.
Jap Boy: So? It doesn't matter right?
I spent the next thirty minutes trying to convince him that he's just way too young, while he tried to explain that only his face looked young. Erm... Whatever you say, kiddo.
Ya I added you onto friendster. Have yet to check out the connection :P
Had a great time chatting witcha too!
Party time next! :P
how about the one at velvet who kept talking rubbish and following you around and refused to scram until you coldly told him you didn't like shorter guys? ;p
that one was strange too. i felt so guilty after that though, coz it didn't seem like a very nice thing to say...
nah, dun feel bad. he was getting too pesky. wouldn't want him following you home, would we?
heavens, no! i'd have to beat him up then...
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