Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Just Dessert

listening to missy elliot's 'Lose Control'...

Finally I know why a lot of girls like to whine and make lots of noise. Coz it works! I've got a low voice, and it sounds terribly strange when I try to whimper or snivel. And if I attempt to sound coy or coquettish, you might just punch me.

"Shuddup! You drag! Woman with a manly voice!" *ka-pow*

I digress. Back to the story on how whining got me my dessert.

Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005, 11:45am
Venue: DTTB canteen
After brunch, went over to the dessert stall for an aftermeal treat.
Auntie informed me that tao-suan (sweet, viscous mung bean dessert) was sold out.
Well, just my luck.

Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005, 11:30am
Venue: DTTB canteen
Decided to try my luck, since I was slightly earlier. Auntie sheepishly told me once again that tao-suan was all gone.
Well, just my luck.

Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005, 11:15am
Venue: DTTB canteen
Skipped to the stall for I was quite sure my tao-suan would be available. Auntie shook her head in regret. That's when I launched my 7 minute guilt trip.

Kay: Why? Why no tao-suan?

Auntie: Dunno leh. The people here like tao-suan. I'd actually cooked extra today.

Kay: Why? Why no tao-suan?

Auntie: Aiyoh, sorry sorry. How about other types?

Kay: Don't want. Why? Why no tao-suan?

Auntie: Paiseh lah... Red bean soup? It's quite nice too.

Kay: I don't like red bean. Boohoo... tao-suan...

Auntie: Oh dear. Peanut soup with dumplings?

Kay: I don't like peanut. Tao-suan...

Auntie: Erm, ah, ee, oo, yeah. How about our plum drink? It's very thirst quenching.

Kay: I'm not thirsty. Why? Why no tao-suan? This is the third time. I'm so sad... (puts on her saddest face)

Auntie was so apologetic, I didn't have the heart to whine anymore. I already sounded like a spoilt brat on repeat mode. I was contemplating the alternatives when Auntie suddenly whipped out a tupperware. Filled with ......

Kay: Tao-suan!!!!!!

Auntie: This is actually for our own consumption.

Kay: (crestfallen) Oh.

Auntie (to another matronly auntie): Ma, can I sell your tao-suan to her? Coz she had tried getting it thrice already.

Auntie's mama: Can can. Sure.

Kay: Oh dear! I can't do that!

Auntie: Nevermind, it's okay. Come, I'll give you extra fritters to go with it.

In the end, I took the dessert. Honestly, I was ashamed of my behaviour. I'd deprived the old lady of her dessert.
What's worse, during my lengthy conversation with the auntie, my craving for tao-suan had vanished. I was actually thinking of getting cheng-teng instead.

1 comment:

~justin~ said...
