listening to rain's 'I Do'...
Rain is so cute! He's one of those boys who make us aunties swoon and gush over. Disgusting yeah? Feels like a cradle-snatcher...
Had been pretty sick these few days. Fever, sore throat and loss of appetite. The only thing good that came out of it, was that no food intake equals weight loss. Yeah!!!
Strolled to the canteen with JF after our morning shift. Didn't feel like eating anything, in case I barf. Saw the dessert stall auntie from the corner of my eye.
'Hello! Today got tao-suan leh!!!' she beckoned from where she was sitting.
Dang! Why on the day when the thought of food makes me queasy? Sigh! What to do? You reap what you sow. Not wanting to let the nice auntie down, I reluctantly packed a bowl of tao-suan.
Score: Auntie 1, Kay 0...
Hope you're feeling better girl, get well soon!
poor ky...
eh... just have to take it.. if not next time auntie dont wanna give to you liao!! ^ ^
btw, how's your studies going on??
e: hey babe, me better. thanks! meeting the gang this Friday. will think of you!
surumi: sigh... that's what I thought. if I didn't take the tao-suan, I'd be letting the nice auntie down.
lessons are fine, but I've got a test coming up. :P
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