Saturday, January 20, 2007

Trivial Prattle #10

listening to my drippy nose...

Of all the days to fall sick.
My nose is stuffed, my throat is parched and my head feels heavy.
I'm going to look like crap.
The gang didn't meet for crabs coz PH was ill too.
Damn the stupid flu bug.

What I needed to do, had been done.
One more tick against my checklist. Whoppee!

Bizarre craving for fishball soup since Wednesday.
Four consecutive days of the bouncy little white balls in MSG laden soup already.
Sometimes I have the sudden longing for canned tuna too.
I'm not a cat lover, but I think I might have a feline creature in my past life.
The only plausible explanation for the queer yearning and my odd behaviours.
Cats are strange.
Or maybe I was Cleopetra.
God save the Queen! The Egyptian one. Haha.

Not making too much sense. Better go get ready now.
I need time to psyche myself up a little.
'Ooh... I am not sick. Ooh... I am gorgeous. Ooh... I sound normal.'

How come the only thing I'm only convinced of, is that I've gone mad?


~e~ said...


hope you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...


But you still sound just as good every morning!!

Don't let the flu get you BLUE!!

kay said...

e: thanks babe! still sniffy, but I live.

surumi: hello hello!! heard u're tying the knot soon. what happened to your blog? i can't seem to find it anymore...