Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bumpy & Lumpy

listening to jang nara and ryu shi won's 'I'll Protect You'...
Muahahahahahahahahahahaha. Sorry. Private joke.
Damn the beastly ulcers.
I have two of them, Bumpy and Lumpy, residing in my mouth now. And they appear on most irritating places.
Bumpy is right smack in the middle, on the roof of my mouth. I scratched it accidentally, and now I have a hole on the roof.
Lumpy is on the side of my tongue. It's painful and swollen. Talking is an agony. I sound like I have cotton wool stuffed in my mouth, with compliments from Lumpy and my obese tongue.

Sudden thought: maybe Bumpy and Lumpy are signs!!!
Kay must stop bitching about people. Bad Karma.
Grr... but karma-de for now. I'm in pain.


cruzteng said...

take MC like me!

Anonymous said...

u can use water melon frost...

エリカ said...

You sounded fine during your presentation (or teaching?) todae~ I heard it will recover better if you apply some salt on mouth ulcers. though I always end up eating salt. -.-

kay said...

cruz: hahaha! 6 weeks MC for ulcers? i'll have to have an entire mouthful of it to be entitled... hope ur leg's recovering well!

kane and qiqi: thanks for the concern! lumpy and bumpy have disappeared. I think the beer I drank worked! :D