Friday, June 01, 2007


listening to kelly clarkson's 'Because Of You'...
Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
On chat:
'Kelly Clarkson! :)'
'Haha, yeah... probably the only artiste you know. The rest are Chinese'
While out with de gang last night, my phone beeped. SMS from the sister.

'Sista, wru?'
'Brussel sprouts. The Pier. wassup?'
'On my way to zouk. Dad's gonna to spot check on you. Beng Soon's waiting for u...'
'Wahhh... So proud of dad. Who's Beng Soon???'

I was scratching my head. Who on earth is Beng Soon?
So I texted her again, only to receive a cryptic clue.

'Lee Beng Soon. If u drink dun drive.'

Lee Beng Soon. Lee Beng...OH.
Crazy meimei.

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