Goodness Gracious! There's actually a Mandarin version!
I'm not sure who sang it though.
Haven't been back in the office for a while.
By the way, station blog's gone nutters. Time to back up stuff :P
Sometimes I wonder if I have劳碌命.
Everytime I go on leave, I fall sick. Bleah…
Then again, if not for the fever, the pounding headache and the painful eyeballs, I wouldn’t have stayed home to rest. And because I’m staying at home obediently, I’ve managed to:
1. finish a book:
Don’t like the redundant epilogue. Hogwash!

2. go through some lessons:
Help… can’t breathe… overwhelmed by amount of facts to memorise…

3. catch this great show again:
Love it! Lurrrrrrve it!

4. watch some funnies:
TVB drama and youtube included. Stick around till the 1:10 mark.
5. update my blog.
Told you I can’t keep still for my own good.
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