Monday, August 17, 2009

I ♥ Taipei - part 1

The more you can't do something, the more you wanna do it.

Doctor's advice: try not to eat oily spicy food, milk or coffee etc.
Kay's brain: try not to EAT oily SPICY FOOD, MILK, or COFFEE ETC.

Luckily, my brain has never been very strong. So I overpowered it pretty easily.
Though I can't eat most stuff, I can at least look at them, right?

Presenting... Taipei food galore!
Good stuff no bluff.

Tu Hsiao Yueh's Tan Tsi Noodles (度小月担仔面):

Tu Hsiao Yueh's Minced Meat Rice (度小月肉燥饭):

Mister Donut's erm... donuts:

Street stall dessert from Tong Hwa night market (刀削冰):

Best sausage EVER (九塔香辣味香肠):

SOMEBODY STOP ME!!! *stomach growls very angrily*


Princess of Smiles said...

Hey! Today you on MC is it?? Didn't hear you on morning show....

So don't eat all those stuff and get well soon and come back and entertain me during my morning drive to work!! =)

kay said...

Hello babe, yea, wasn't too well the past few days.

Back at work already :D Did you hear me ROAR? Hahahaha....

Princess of Smiles said...

YES!! i heard your lively voice again end of last week!!! woot woot!!

kay said...

Where're u working now? We'll try to do another P6 class gathering one of these days soon! Must come yea? :D