Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I ♥ Taipei - part 2

Basically we were in Taipei to stuff our faces.
And I'm proud to say, we did it amazingly well.

Lunch at Shin Yeh.
Btw, they have a local branch at Liang Court.
I've always liked sweet potato porridge.
Now I like it even better.

Braised meat (欣葉卤肉):

Pan fried pig's liver (煎猪肝):

Pickled radish omelette (菜脯蛋):

***Ohhhh... this is fun. Guess what's this:

Dinner at Korean restaurant with RZ and his gf:


Sunnytears said...

That's suckling piggy in its cut-up galore?? =)

Hmmm.. all those pics make me wanna fly over to Taiwan now. *slurp*

Hope your tummy's better by now!

kay said...

Buahaha!!! (X)... incorrect answer... Guess again!!!

Thanks dear, the tum's better :D